
Mission Statement

The mission of Platt College San Diego is to identify the natural talents of our students and build those talents into strengths that will serve as personal assets in a career oriented society. Our mission includes the promotion of self-belief, respect for others and a commitment to the ethic of focused work.


Platt College San Diego seeks to teach our students both traditional and contemporary skills within a supportive environment that stimulates the incubation of new ideas and stretches the minds and talents of our students. Because the fields in which we instruct are in a constant state of development, our emphasis is on providing a foundation in problem solving skills to meet future challenges and the needs of a changing and constantly evolving job market.

Platt Facilities

Platt College San Diego consists of approximately 16,700 square feet of classrooms, computer labs, administrative areas and a library. The facilities for core curriculum courses accommodate a maximum of 28 students. The general education lecture classrooms accommodate a maximum of 30 students. Class sizes vary, but the average per session is 28 students at the associate terms and 20 students at the specialized terms. In all cases, class sizes are carefully controlled to provide individualized assistance to the student body. Platt College San Diego consistently update equipment and software to remain current with high-end industries within the professional realm. For a list of current equipment & software please contact the admissions department.back to top

Campus Accessibility

The campus is accessible to the physically challenged with designated parking and an elevator. The facilities and equipment comply with all federal, state and local ordinances relating to fire, building, health and safety codes. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in school are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Dean of Education (619) 265-0107 early in the semester, so accommodations can be made as soon as possible. Platt College San Diego is committed to make all reasonable accommodations.back to top


The campus maintains a central library with additional reference material for courses of study at Platt College San Diego. Resource materials include general and specific subject reference books and magazines, trade publications, computer hardware and software guides and manuals. Online computer use is available in the library and in classrooms. The institution also maintains an online resource list created by Platt College Faculty, which links the student to various research guides and other reference materials.back to top

Accreditation & Awards

The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency, accredit Platt College San Diego. The primary purpose of ACCSC and other accrediting agencies is to establish and maintain high educational standards and ethical business practices among its accredited institutions. Platt College San Diego and our educational programs are approved to operate by the Bureau of Private Post-secondary and Education. Approved to operate, means compliance with state standards as set forth in the California Private Postsecondary Act of 2009 and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Platt College is authorized by Federal law to enroll non-immigrant aliens. Platt College San Diego is approved for V.A. benefits.back to top


Platt College San Diego maintains membership in the following organizations:

  • American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
  • Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU)
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • The California Association of Financial Aid Administrators (CASFAA)
  • California Association of Private Postsecondary Schools (CAPPS)
  • Career College Association (CCA)
  • International Graphic Arts Education Association (IGAEA)
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
  • National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)
  • National Resume Writers Association
  • Printing Industries Association of San Diego (PIASD)
  • Professional International Educators Roundtable (PIER)
  • San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce

Instructors at Platt College San Diego also maintain individual memberships in many relevant professional associations including the San Diego Screenwriters Association, the Ad Club of San Diego and the San Diego Macintosh Multimedia Users Group. Professional organizations offer continuing education opportunities for faculty.



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