
This page provides the contact information for the Prater Way College of Beauty School in Sparks Nevada. If you are interested in this beauty college, we suggest you research them further online. See how they rank against other cosmetology schools in Nevada. Find out what programs they offer like barber, body artist, nail technician, esthetician, electrologist, hairdresser etc.

Accreditation And Affiliations

Attending a beauty school in Sparks Nevada that is accredited by the Department of Education is a helpful way to set yourself up as a professional. Obtaining a certification from an accredited NV cosmetology school will ensure that you have met or exceeded industry standards. Choosing a school that is also a member of the American Association of Cosmetology Schools and apart of the Chamber of Commerce in Nevada would be a smart decision. It’s just another way to associate yourself with an organization that has an excellent reputation in the community.

Tuition Fees

One important step to find out early is the cost of tuition including the overall cost of books and cosmetology kits needed for the program you plan to enter into. Don’t be shy about your financing options or available financial aid. The tuition cost should be reasonable for the budget you have available. Though do know, not all beauty schools in Nevada are created equal. While one school may be more expensive than another, look at the quality and reputation of Prater Way College of Beauty. Some beauty schools might have instruction led by experienced and well-known instructors and classes that feature state-of-the-art technology. In the long run, it just may be a smarter move to go with the more costly one for a better value. This is your career we are talking about.

More details:

Prater Way College of Beauty
1627 Prater Way
Sparks NV 89431
(775)355-6677 (775)355-6679




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